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Stem cells therapy for Intervertebral Disk Disease

Dogs love to play, jump, and generally have fun, especially with their owners or members of the family. But all this excitement can be truncated abruptly if your canine friend has Intervertebral Disc Disease (IVDD).

IVDD in Dogs: What is it?
IVDD (Intervertebral Disc Disease) is a genetic condition that occurs when the discs between the bony segments of the spinal column harden and become brittle. When this happens, the discs will bulge or flatten instead of cushioning the vertebrae.

The discs can rupture and leak out their hardened content into the area that surrounds the spinal cord. These will mount a lot of pressure on the spinal cord, squeezing nerves in the region, thereby causing untold pain, loss of bladder and bowel control, etc.

IVDD in dogs can be incredibly debilitating and must be treated as soon as possible. Most dogs develop Intervertebral Disc Disease slowly over time, and it becomes apparent when a sudden injury tears a spinal disc open. This can even cause instant loss of function of your dog’s hind legs.

Symptoms of Intervertebral Disc Disease
Symptoms of IVDD in dogs usually start with mild pain and can develop to something as devastating as complete paralysis.

When your dog starts holding his head up stiffly or arches his back, they could be signs that your pooch needs Intervertebral Disc Disease dog treatment.

Other symptoms include:
Muscle spasms of the neck or back
Reduced activity
Sensitive to movement touch
Loss of bladder and bowel control
Pain and weakness
Sudden paralysis of the hind legs
Trouble going up or down the stairs
Criss-crossed legs

Traditional Treatment of IVDD
The severity of the disease primarily determines the type of conventional treatment to be meted out. If the health condition is at an early stage, your vet may recommend that you limit your canine friend’s activity.

The vet might also give you anti-inflammatory agents or pain medications to slow the progression of the ailment.

However, these repairs may take up to two months to fully develop, and your pooch remains vulnerable to additional damage. One wrong or miscalculated jump and your dog’s spinal cord may rupture, thereby leading to instant paralysis.

Stem Cell Therapy for Dogs with IVDD
Stem cells are capable of regenerating the cartilage that the discs are made of. They can draw adequate moisture right back inside the disc.

The discs, therefore, look like new ones such that pet owners will not need to be on the lookout for signs that the disease has returned.

Stem cell therapy is an innovative – and regenerative – medical treatment that draws on the natural healing power of the body. It uses this power to trigger the healing process at injured or damaged areas of the body without the need for invasive surgery.

All a vet needs to do when it comes to stem cell therapy for IVDD in dogs is to inject a few millions of stem cells directly into the injured or inflamed area.

The massive collaboration of millions of stem cells hastens and enhances the entire healing process. The pain starts decreasing while future complications from IVDD are prevented.

The majority of pet owners these days find it easier to recognize symptoms of say, arthritis, etc. over IVDD. However, if you are a keen observer, you should be able to detect the onset of the debilitating disease.

So, instead of risking the life – or mobility of your pooch – with traditional treatment or invasive surgery, stem cell therapy for dogs with IVDD remains the best option to go for.

The holistic veterinarian at VET & VET HOSPITAL ANIMAL – Málaga – Marbella

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