Bioregulatory medicine
What is bioregulatory medicine? By definition, bioregulation is the regulation of biological processes in the body (Smit, 2009). Bioregulatory medicine involves the use of therapeutics to regulate these biological processes in times of illness.
By using Bioregulatory medicine, at VET & VET we help the body regulate the natural processes of healing. They include vitamins, minerals, homeopathy,acupuncture and herbal medicine.
Conventional pharmaceutical medicines mainly reduce symptoms rather than helping the body heal itself. Natural substances are the best way to help the body regulate its healing processes and re-establish normal feedback systems.
Immune system is key biological process
The most important biological process is the defense system or immune system. Very few pharmaceutical medicines improve the immune system. When stressed, injured or affected by toxins, the immune system responds with inflammation. Most symptoms arise from the immune system trying to correct the pathology. Drugs, such as “anti-inflammatory medicines”, attempt to minimize these symptoms. By reducing or suppressing the inflammation process, these medicines reduce the immune system’s response to the insult on the body.
A good example is how the immune system responds to an upper respiratory viral infection. The symptoms are fever (anti-viral response), increased nasal discharges (attempt to expel the virus and increase immune cells in the area of invasion), sneezing and coughing (to expel the virus and prevent its deeper invasion). All these symptoms are good immune responses.
Now, let’s look at what happens when pharmaceutical medicine is applied to this case. The conventional practitioner will prescribe antipyretic medicines (to reduce fever, which is the immune system’s natural anti-viral response), antihistamine medicines (to reduce nasal discharges and sneezing – which allows the virus to penetrate deeper) and anti-tussive medicines (to reduce coughing – which also allows the virus to penetrate deeper). Drugs are effective at symptom reduction and the patient feels better during the illness. However, the drugs may actually push the disease deeper, causing the patient to need more drugs for possible viral or bacterial bronchitis or pneumonia. Because the immune system may be weakened, the URI can recur and even deeper illnesses can occur.
We treat this patient with bioregulatory medicine. This promotes a stronger immune response to shorten the disease process and to support, rather than reduce, the immune response to the illness. When we can maximize the potential for disarming invaders (immune system) and regulating physiologic feedback systems, we vastly improve the chances that our patients can live a long life of full health, with quick recovery from acute incidents.
Etiquetas: Bioregulatory medicine